(1905 - 1992)

Documents and References


Year Date Age Document / Event


1905 16th September   Birth Certificate Ref: BMD Index England & Wales Q4 1905, Lanchester 10a,293
1911 2nd April 5 Census  Sunniside, Tow Law, Co. Durham Ref: RG14PN29765 RG78PN1722 RD547 SD2 ED15 SN207
1929 30th November 24 Marriage Certificate ( to Norman Hindmarch) Ref: BMD Index England & Wales Q4 1929, Chester Le Street 10a,1146
1992 11th November 87 Death Registration Ref: BMD Index England & Wales Q4 1992, Northallerton 2, 2229
1992     Extract from Crematorium Records Ref:  from information received from Durham Crematorium
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