(1907 - 1962)

Documents and References


Year Date Age Document / Event


1907 22nd February   Birth Registration Ref: BMD Index England & Wales Q1 1907, Auckland 10a,296
1911 2nd April 4 Census  Sunniside, Tow Law, Co. Durham Ref: RG14PN29765 RG78PN1722 RD547 SD2 ED15 SN207
1935 29th August 28 Marriage Certificate  (to Winifred M. Peart) Ref: BMD Index England & Wales Q3 1935, Stockton 10a,295
1935   28 Photo of wedding from newspaper Ref: Cutting belonging to Bill Richardson
1935   28 Report of wedding from newspaper Ref: Cutting belonging to Bill Richardson
1962 11th March 55 Death Registration Ref: BMD Index England & Wales Q1 1962, Durham SE, 1a 797
1962     Entry in Book of Remembrance Ref: Durham Crematorium Book of Remembrance 11th March
1962     Report of death in newspaper Ref: Cutting belonging to Bill Richardson
1962     Report of funeral in newspaper Ref: Cutting belonging to Bill Richardson
1962     Extract from Crematorium Records Ref:  from information received from Durham Crematorium
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