Matthew LEE
(1869 - ?)

Documents and References


Year Date Age Document / Event


1869 Q1   Birth Registration Ref : BMD England & Wales Q1 1869, Auckland, 10a 237
1869 16th February   Baptism Record Ref: Brancepth & Other Methodist Register  1866-1874, DRO ref: M/Cr 3 M5/31
1871 2nd April 2 Census  Sunnyside,Crook and Billy Row, Co. Durham Ref: Class: RG10; Piece:4939;Folio 35;Page:12;
1881 3rd April 12 Census  Gladstone Terrace, Sunniside, Co. Durham Ref: Class: RG11; Piece:4929;Folio 16;Page:25;
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