(29th March 1902  -  19th November 1976)

(photo dated 1933)

Husband of  W.P. 'Bill' Richardson's Aunt, Rena Gilliland


Albert Edward Massey was born on 29th March 1902 in Chorlton, a part of Manchester. He was known as Ted. His parents were Richard and Susan Massey and in the 1901 census they were shown as having two children, Sarah, aged 2, and Alfred, aged 1.

In the 1911 census, Richard and his two sons, Alfred and Ted, are shown as boarders. An extensive search has revealed no definite trace of either his wife or his daughter.

From later evidence, we know that Ted was joined by a sister Hilda but know nothing else for sure about his family or his early years in the Manchester area.

In due course, Ted took up work as a printer and for firms of printers. It seems likely that it was his work which took him away from Manchester and up to County Durham where he met and courted Rena Gilliland. There are many photographs dating from around 1930 which show him with the Gillilands and their friends. The romance blossomed and on August 5th 1933, Ted and Rena were married. The marriage took place at the Durham Road Methodist Chapel in Chester-le-Street (where Rena's sister Gladys was married in 1929 and her youngest sister, Ada, would marry some 18 months later). The marriage certificate shows Ted's occupation as 'Assistant Secretary (Printing Works)‘ and his address is given as, 2 Union Street, Greenhays, Manchester. The witnesses were W. P. Richardson and Ada Gilliland! A wedding card shows that the couple were going to live at Milton House, Priory Road, Sale, Manchester. The newspaper cutting of the wedding identifies, among others, Hilda Massey.

In 1937, their son Gerald was born. Ted's work caused several moves. During the war, he was in Bristol and for a time, Rena and Gerald lived with her parents in Sunniside. These must have been difficult times.

At some point after the war, the family moved for the last time. They took up residence at 3 Moss Gardens, Allwoodley in Leeds. This was a good place for Ted to pursue his interest in rugby and associated social activities.

Ted died on November 19th, 1976 and was cremated at Lawns Wood Crematorium where his ashes were spread.



 Albert E MASSEY
(1902 - 1976)

Documents and References

Year Date Age Document/Event Reference

29th March


Birth Registration Ref: BMD Index England & Wales Q2 1902 Chorlton 8c 807
1911 2nd April   Possible census entry Ref: RG14PN23834 RG78PN1379 RD464 SD3 ED6 SN98
1933 Q3 31 Marriage Certificate Ref: BMD Index England & Wales Q3 1933 Chester le St 10a 1252
1933     Picture of Bridal Party in newspaper Ref: Northern Echo cutting belonging to Bill Richardson
1933     Original photo of bridal party Ref: Photo owned by Bill Richardson
1933     Newspaper report of wedding Ref: cutting belonging to Bill Richardson
1933     Wedding Card Ref: Card owned by Bill Richardson
1976 19th November 74 Death Registration Ref: BMD England & Wales Q4 1976 Leeds 5 0725
1976     Cremation record Ref: email from Cemeteries & Crematoria Dept., Leeds



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