(1st February 1857  -  20th March 1857)

Son of  W.P. 'Bill' Richardson's Great Great Uncle, John Richardson


James was born on 1st February 1857 at Little Usworth, Co. Durham. He was the first child of John Richardson and his wife Elizabeth.

Sadness for the couple when James died on the 20th March 1857, just a few weeks old.


 James Richardson
(1857 - 1857)

Documents and References

Year Date Age Document/Event Reference

1st February


Birth Certificate  Ref: BMD England & Wales Q1 1857 Chester le St 10a 343
1857 20th March   Death Certificate Ref: BMD England & Wales Q1 1857 Chester le St 10a 191

With thanks to William Kirby for providing information and documents


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