(c1826  -  25th August 1888)

Husband of  W.P. 'Bill' Richardson's Great Great Aunt, Jane Turnbull


George was born c1826 at Alwinton, Northumberland. His parents were Robert Bolam and his wife, Mary.

The family were recorded on the 1841 census at Netherton Village, Northumberland. George was 14 years old, his father, Robert (55) was a farmer, his mother, Mary was also 55. George's paternal grandmother, Jane Bolam lived with them she was 70. There were also five farm workers : Elener Davison (20), William Thompson (15), James Caseday (15), James Wilson (20) and Catherine Douglas (12). No doubt George did his share of work on the farm too.

The census of 1851 showed the family at Guyzance. George was 24 and was listed as farmer's son. His Mam was not recorded on the census form. His Dad, Robert was 65 and his occupation was recorded as farmer of 288 acres employing 4 labourers, 3 boys and 4 women. There was a servant , Margaret Green (30) listed in the house.

In the third quarter of 1858, George married Jane Turnbull, George was 31 and Jane was 21. Their marriage was registered in the Alnwick Registration District.

George was recorded on the 1861 census living at the farm house at Shawdon Woodhouse. He was 34 years old and listed as farming 610 acres and employing 7 men and 2 boys. His wife Jane was 23 and they had one child, Robert, who was a year old.

In 1871 they were still at Shawdon Woodhouse, George was 44 and listed as a farmer.  Jane was 33 and they had five children: Robert (11) and Mary (8) were listed as scholars, the younger ones were George (5), Catherine (3) and William (1).  They had two visitors at the time of the census, Catherine Middlemass (72) who was an annuitant and Robert Gilhome (78) who was a molecatcher.  There was a domestic servant listed too, Mary Ann Proudlock (18).

In 1872, George's son William died, aged 2 and then in 1879, his son Robert died, he was 19.

George was still farming at Shawdon Woodhouse in 1881. He was 54 years old and the farm was 633 acres. Jane was 43 and their children were Mary (18), George (15), Catherine (13) and John Thomas (9). George's father in law, George Turnbull (71) also lived with them.

George died on 25th August 1888, he was 62 years old and his death was registered in the Alnwick Registration District.

Probate was granted to his widow, Jane, on 4th October 1888, his effects amounted to £1300:0:6d.

George Bolam
(c1826 - 1888)

Documents and References

Year Date Age Document/Event Reference
1841 6th June 14 Census  Netherton Village, Northumberland page 1  page 2 Ref: Class:HO107; Piece: 828; Folio: 20;Book:4; Page: 4
1851 30th March 24 Census  Guyzance, Northumberland Ref: Class: HO107; Piece: 2419; Folio: 94; Page: 7;
1858 Q3 31 Marriage Registration  (to Jane Turnbull) Ref BMD England & Wales Q3 1858 Alnwick 10b,343
1861 7th April 34 Census  ShawdonWoodHouse,Northumberland Ref: Class:RG9;Piece:3880:Folio:41;Page:11;
1871 2nd April 44 Census  ShawdonWoodHouse,Northumberland Ref: Class: RG10; Piece: 5175; Folio: 24; Page: 11;
1881 3rd April 54 Census  ShawdonWoodHouse,Northumberland Ref: Class: RG11; Piece: 5124; Folio: 37; Page: 11;
1888 Q3 62 Death Registration Ref: BMD England & Wales Q3 1888 Alnwick 10b 206
1888 4th October   Record of Grant of Probate Ref: England & Wales, National Probate Calendar


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