1837  -  24th February 1912

Great Great Aunt of  W.P. 'Bill' Richardson


Jane was the second child of George Turnbull and his wife Isabella, she was born around 1837 at Whittingham in Northumberland.

She was baptised at Whittingham Parish Church on the 30th July 1837,  her baptism record says the family lived at West Glanton and her father worked as a Hind (farm worker).

On the 1841 census the family were still in Whittingham. Jane's father worked as a miller and she had an older sister Eleanor and a younger brother Jacob. Her Grandfather, also called Jacob, lived with them.

In 1851 the family were living at Waterside House, Guyzance. Jane was 14 and working on the farm . Her mother now had six children to look after as well as a husband and father in law.

In the third quarter of 1858 when Jane was 21 she married George Bolam, a 32 year old farmer who had the farm at Shawdon Woodhouse.

The 1861 census recorded Jane and George at Shawdon Woodhouse, they had a son, Robert, who was one year old. Her mother and father lived in a cottage next to the farm house and her father was the Farm Steward.

The 1871 census recorded Jane ( 33) and George (44) still at Shawdon Woodhouse. George was described as a Farmer of 630 acres, employing 8 men, 6 women and 6 boys.
Jane was listed as 'Farmer's Wife'.
She certainly must have been busy as they now had five children, Robert (11), Mary (8), George (5), Catherine (3) and William (1). There were also two visitors at the time of the census, Catherine Middlemass a 72 year old widow described as an 'Annuitant' and Robert Gilhouse, aged 78 who was a Molecatcher. There was some help for Jane though as there was a general servant, Mary Ann Proudlock also listed .
 Jane and George had another child, John Thomas in 1871

Sadness for the family in 1872, when their youngest child, William died, aged  two and then again in 1879 when Jane's mother Isabella and also Jane's son Robert died.

The 1881 census recorded Jane aged 43 and George aged 54 still at Shawdon Woodhouse and the farm employed 13 labourers and 2 boys. Jane's four youngest children were still at home and her father George, now a widower, lived with them but at 71 he was no longer working.

Jane's husband George died in 1888 aged 62 and her father died at the beginning of 1891.

On the 1891 census, Jane was listed as the Farmer at Shawdon Woodhouse, she was 53, her son George was 25 and listed as the Farm Steward.
 Also living in the farm house were her son John Thomas (19) and daughter Mary (29) with her husband Thomas Johnson and their baby George Bolam Johnson.
Jane's nephew Thomas Turnbull (her brother Jacob's son) also lived with them, he was listed as a 15 year old agricultural labourer.

By the time of the 1901 census, Jane was 63. As was the way of things, she had moved out of the farm house into a cottage and her son George, who was now married and had three children, lived in the farm house and was recorded as the Farmer.

The census of 1911 recorded Jane at Plantation House, Glanton, Northumberland. She was 73 years old and was listed as a visitor in the home of her daughter Catherine and son in law John Dickson.

Jane died in the first quarter of 1912, she was 74 years old, she died at her daughter's home, Plantation Cottage, Glanton.

Probate was granted to her sons, George and John Thomas, on 29th April 1912. Her effects totalled £585:10s.

Family of Jane Turnbull



(c1826 - 1888)


(1837 - 1912)
    Married 1858    

(1859 - 1879)

(1863 - 1933)

(1865 - 1940)

(1867 - 1926)

(1869 - 1872)

(1871 - 1955)